Rachael Kelsey elected President of IAFL

9th September 2023

Rachael Kelsey was elected President of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) today. She is the first female President from the UK in the Academy's 37 year history. 

The IAFL is a worldwide association of invited lawyers, who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries. There global reach of IAFL is extensive, with over 1,000 fellows in over 70 jurisdictions around the world. 

Rachael has been a Fellow of IAFL for over a decade and served in various roles, including as President of the European Chapter. Her work in the Academy to date has focused on developing relationships and connections with other lawyers, work which has benefited SKO's clients over the years, allowing Rachael to arrange for representation by first class lawyers in other jurisdictions. She intends to continue and develop this work during her presidency and you can find out more about her plans in her first IAFL blog here.

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